my fall
2008/spring 2009
"Apple Betty"
"Wacky Neighbor
"Ballerina Tea"
(Thanks to Lauralee)
"Room Two"
Miss Winnie is back!
"Dear Stella..."
Crack open a bottle of Diet Vanilla Pepsi!
"Roma's NY1 Review of..."
Jimmy and Wendy are back in
"New Years Eve"
Hear the live
recordng of "New
Years Eve" here
Thanks to Village Playwrights
and my talented actors.
"Bernice, The Skunk Who Thought She Could
Throw Her Voice"
coming soon to NYC!
"The OngoingTale of Amber Roberta"
A one page play
"Que Sera Sera"
from the Henry Street Settlement in NYC
"Bonnie Bee"
Linka, Mrs. Whoop and Miss Winnie are back!
"Fred and Shirley"
assignment was to write one page of dialogue
using only "he said" or "she said" no adverbs